
Showing posts from April, 2024

Lightning Damage to Creatures in Water or Underwater

Question: If I cast call lighting at a group of monsters in a river. Does the spell do any extra damage or become an area of effect spell?  Strangely enough Rules As Written (RAW) in D&D 5e doesn't have any solid rules when it comes to Lightning related spells hitting targets in water or underwater. I thought surely this has to be an oversight.. So I actually looked up one of the game designers (Jeremy Crawford) Tweets: It seems the game designers left a number of environmental interactions up to the DM, which makes things tricky. None of the lightning based spells have any additional text to say they do or do not cause additional damage or get a increase in range for blasting a target in water.  It is common knowledge that water is a good conductor of electricity.  (IE Nobody brings a toasters in the bathtub expecting a good result.)  But it turns out that isn't exactly the case. Here is a link to the USGS  on the matter. Turns out PURE water that is down to the basic el

Crafting Rules: Healing Potions

Crafting Healing Potions 101   NOTE: This entry is strictly for the crafting of Healing Potions and not other potions, or the crafting of magic items. As such all costs for gold pieces and time have been adjusted to be specific for consumables as opposed to the crafting of magical items.  Crafting a Potion of Healing requires a number of things:  1) A formula or recipe on how to crate the potion.  A background of Guild Artisan with the Alchemists & Apothecaries field will likely already know the formula/recipe.  A Sage background with the Alchemist specialty will also likely know the formula/recipe.  Sages will also likely know from whom and where they can obtain the information (per the background feature: Researcher) if they don't have the formula/recipe. 2) The crafter has to be a spell caster with healing spells and necessary spell slots for the potion being crafted. The Crafter must expend one spell slot of the spells level for each day of the creation process. 3) An He

Magic Item: Bag of Holding - Q&As

Bag of Holding FAQs 1) Are fragile items safe inside a bag of holding, or can they be broken if the bag is jostled or hit?  Something that should have been included in the description of the Bag of Holding is the fact that items placed into it are held in an "extradimensional space". This is included in the write up for the Handy Haversack Placing the haversack inside an extradimensional space created by a bag of holding, portable hole or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. So since they are not in the same  plane of existence as the exterior of the Bag of Holding fragile items placed in to the bag are safe from any jostling or hits the bag may take.  2) How much does a Bag of Holding cost?  A Bag of Holding is an Uncommon Wonderous item, so per the Dungeon Masters Guide they are anywhere from 101 - 500 Gold Pieces. The GM should consider how easily the item can be made or obtained in the game setting and then assign the price acco